Buffalo Mighty Mo's



Customarily, bodies of nations or states unified by common interests yield a history of “phrases”, “buzzes”, and “in-crowds”;

That’s just the “traditional fabric” of any metropolis;

  • It’s the creative agronomy of “Popular Culture”;
  • It’s what a city breeds;
  • It’s what a community, a village, a nation, is all about;
  • It’s as simple as reciting the “Star-Spangled Banner”
  • It is, the birth of an “Anthem”

Anthems bring about unity;
In unity, there is a “serene sensation”
It is called: “the serene sensation of unity”

The 12 songs of the “Mighty Mo” album were initiated as “Anthems”

As they were created one-by-one, the “Anthemic” influence became more apparent

But the formula is simple;
The Buffalo Mighty Mo’s has components similar to that of a Musical;
The name itself is a marketing vehicle;
A jingle, a symposium;

Along with these entertaining ingredients comes Publicity & Public Relations;
Promotions, Hooks & Gimmicks;
The “Buzz” of “what is hip”

Inevitably, there’s this “tour de force’’ that lives in us all;
An “esprit de corps”

That’s where the songs of “The Buffalo Mighty Mo’s” comes in;
While some of the songs are simply, “music based on the “Theme” The rest are intended as “Torch-passing” Anthems:

Historically, this ascendency of the battle-cry has always been the driving force of victory, triumph, & success;

In the case of African-Americans, since the end of the Civil War, when newly-freed slaves followed the union troops that marched through the war-torn south during their quest for liberation and amnesty;

They had no particular destiny, they did not know where they were headed, but they stayed safely within the confines of the tail-end of the marching flank of emancipating military regiments, and so forth came the birth of African-American anthems;

How do you know when you are hearing an anthem of that lineage?

When you are gathered in a crowd, particularly African-Americans (like at a party picnic, or social event), and all of a sudden a particular song comes on, and the entire congregation/populace proceeds to the dance floor;

That is an institutionalized interpretation of an “Anthem”

The most popular and guaranteed example of such a study is:
The Sound of Philadelphia’s “MFSB”(play .mp3 below);

It is an Anthem;

As soon as it is heard, people will be on their feet and moving in a “Cadence”;

Somewhat of a spiritual modulation and physical response; All African-American music since the 1860’s to the 1870’s has lead up to this connection;

It’s like an automatic control mechanism;
Like a “guidance”

Griotic poets & musicians, the call & response of African drums, field hollers, work
songs, folk spirituals….

Have all lead to this respect for the “anthemic” nature of particular songs;
So here we are, over 160 years later

Time and distance needs a bridge; The music of “The Buffalo Mighty Mo’s” is intended to do that;
The songs in the album that manifest the cantice-lish battle-hymn qualities do anyway;

And rightfully so; “The Buffalo Mighty Mo’s” originated from the Buffalo Soldiers of the 10th U.S. Cavalry;

The point I’m trying to make, is that out of the entire 12-song album, there is a great range of styles that have their own effectiveness in delighting the ears of the listeners;

Not all of them incites the back-bone, brains, and skeletal structure of the project; But the ones that do, reflects my thinking pattern, which is to constantly stay focused on “Trend-setting”

I have to claim responsibility for the influence and persuasion of the masses;

It’s just “Marketing Protocol”

Hence, every tribe caters to the beat of a different drum;
So my buzz/movement strategy should be effective enough for the multitudes to refrain from a current trend/fad/drumbeat, and become engulfed into what I am premeditatedly feeding them;

It sounds “preachy”, even a bit manipulative and authoritative, but it is not; It is simply a persuasion of optimism, pride, and hopefulness; Of confidence, good cheer, and buoyancy;

With the proper publicity, promotions, public relations, & marketing strength, the transition happens right before your very eyes (in this case, your very ears);

The transcendency vibrates through your soul; And all of a sudden, if you are “not” a part of it, you will go out of your way to “be” a part of it;

You get “Mighty Mo’-ed”

Communications through music.
But, Nobel Peace Prize material is the goal;

Anthems engulf, move, & absorbs the spirit of the human soul. They put chills, tingles, & vibrations into the listener/audience, and gives that feeling to “conquer”

Once again, there’s this kind of “Heeve-Hoove”, this, “Tour De Force”, this “Esprit de
that lives in us all;

Certain songs of “The Buffalo Mighty Mo’s” hankers the longing desire to flourish and prosper those feelings;

But the sound has to be ”revenant” like a comeback from the past;
That’s what will make the songs of the Mighty Mo’s, a “Game-Changer”
A “Trend-setter”

And that takes physiological, philosophical, and psychological “wit”, “ingenuity”,
“audacity”, and “talent”;

And the marketing dollar.

Want to contribute to cause of a theme that geared towards “enforcing the anthem?” Let us hear what you got! (if you are a song-maker)

Santa Fe/Rio Grande productions, Inc. pays market rates, with residuals, royalties,
and all clauses under the AFTRA / ASCAP contract. 3 of the 12 songs are: “Air-wave Ready”

  • Are you a music producer/songwriter/recording artist?
  • Do you know of one?
  • Are you ready to contribute to the cache?
  • Is your bequest responsible for every second of air-time?

Keep an ear out! (pun intended)

Attached below, are 3 samples of the 12 songs slated (but not finalized) for the BMM album;
The quest for the perfect Anthem is ongoing.

The Buffalo Mihgty Mo's

Jumper Troop

Singing Troop

BMM Live Stage



Welcome Graphic

Album Production