Buffalo Mighty Mo's

Behind the Scenes


My ultimate objective is to penetrate the literary echelon with a marketing assault, with a book that stands on it’s own, with intrigue and fascination for all readers of all cultures, it’s main goal is to remove bias, prejudice and bigotry from the hearts and minds of the multitudes, and leave each reader educated with a new and clearer prospective as to why we were blinded in the first place by our fears and ignorance;

There is also a missing link with the understanding of what makes a race as a whole function in this world in this time and place on the face of this earth as it presently does;

A lot of pertinent information has been left out of history books, from Native Americans, to African Americans, to White and European Americans;

In this social and political climate we are now immersed in, I don’t think it would be a better time than now to “persuade” the masses with a new, promising, and innovative trend of thought than with what this story can subconsciously influence their perspectives with in keeping a promising sense of optimism for world peace and understanding;

And although I could not include specific races(Asian, Latin, East Indian, Arabic), the overall consensus of the story is geared towards the abbreviated population of mankind; Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid, and the sensitive issue of the “Cradle of Civilization” will hopefully be addressed in an objective manner, allowing all readers and viewers to simply say; “Oh, we have all been from the same source of life all along, anyway!”

How dare past historians, theologists, sociologists, politicians and religious leaders to have taken that information away from us a human race for all of these centuries of our existence!

And if the story is relayed as I perceive it…….. I smell NOBLE PEACE PRIZE.

And you as a viewer, reader, listener helped make it happen!


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